Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Positive is Realistic

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech can only be defined by the boundaries that don´t limit it.

If there were no boundaries, it´s definition would loose importance and it would loose reason. We have freedoms for the sole purpose to brake the boundaries that make them important.

If there wasn´t Freedom of speech then there wouldn´t be anything, time, news, speech, schools, votes, opinions, language, choice.

Freedom of speech gives total control to the person who is using it, it can be used for good, and it can be used for bad. When freedom of speech was created, it was made to incorporate everything, from the simplest choices, as if you want an ice cream or not, to the ability to defend ones point.

Many say that freedom of speech came with discrimination, and with powers to deteriorate humanity, that it is weak and for that reason can be manipulated, for malevolent purposes.

But what many people forget, that freedom of speech can´t only be manipulated for sinister purposes, it can be transformed to create great and power things as well. With discrimination came the power to defend one´s self, with the power to deteriorate came the power to recreate, and came the power to express one´s self, which gave birth to art, literature, sculpture, and imagination.

You can argue that with the power of imagination, comes to power to censor. But censorship just creates barriers for everyone´s imagination to go crazy and explore.

Censorship has no power, on it´s own. Just as your imagination, YOU, every individual gives it power.

There are no such thing as barriers, we made them. We give importance to them, and most importantly we give them reason to be feared. In our present society we have given fear power, instead of giving will power, we have turned fear into our ruler.

Who hasn´t ever said no to trying something new, who ever felt terrified for trying out something and never did it. Most people say what is the worst thing that could happen instead of saying what is the best thing that could happen.

Freedom of speech has given power to fear and negativity, because we let it. But if humanity thought positively then freedom of speech would be a tool for greatness, and development.

People think of negative as realistic.

Many people say what is there to be happy about our world, people are starving, dying, using drugs, and are deteriorating humanity, there are too many people who are homeless, and poor. The world is sad.

When I wake up every morning, I say, “Ahhhhhh its so early, but then I say its going be a great day.”, and I get up and start my day. I know there are tragedies going around the world everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

But there are also great things happening everyday, every hour, every minute, and every second. We focus on the negative, and depressing. And freedom of speech just gives it more intensity and power.

We decide how freedom of speech is used, and manipulated.

I believe that one day I will wake up one morning and first say, “Its going to be a great day”, and then “Great its so early, so I will have more time to enjoy this fantastic day.” This is my lifetime goal that I have made. To use freedom of speech positively and think positively, not negatively. I will wake up one morning and think that of positive as realistic.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Freedom of Speech


The right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint

definition found in the link below:

By understanding what is freedom of speech we can then interpret it. If we would have tried to come to conclusions and opinions about freedom of speech, with a loosely based definition, that doesn´t have absolute clarity, then our thoughts and conclusions, would have been misleading and wouldn´t have been accurate at all. Leaving this blog to be useless, and it would have lost it´s support and its level of writing and thought.

Now with this definition we can try to reach conclusions which can both be acceptable and have a precise train of thought that can be shown.


In my opinion, freedom of speech is extremely important, because it gives us the chance to express ourselves and put our point of views forward.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn´t be able to learn more, we wouldn´t be able to speak freely, and we wouldn´t be able to defend ourselves against others.

Without freedom of speech we wouldn´t be able to represent ourselves in a court of law, we wouldn´t be given a chance to proven innocent, we would be in a society where you wouldn´t be innocent until proven guilty, everyone would just be guilty with no place for the accused to defend themselves, and be able to serve justice. There would be no such word, as justice, without justice what would we be left with?

Would our world live in anarchy and dictatorship? Would we live in a world like 1984 by George Orwell. Being controlled, and monitored every second of our lives?  Would thoughtcrime become a reality, and would our history be manipulated to serve the party´s ideals?
We would be covered by a wall of ignorance for the rest of our lives without freedom of speech. Paranoia would be a common psychological illness amongst the world´s population, stress and constant psychological breakdowns would be recurrent, because people would have to be forced to bottle up their thoughts and feelings with fear.
We would live in a realty where we would be brainwashed, and driven to live our daily lives in fear. The thought of suicide would be a popular thought, but the physical act of taking one´s own life, would be too much for us to handle, every time a person would try to kill himself the fear of doing so would take over you , and you wouldn´t do it.
Without freedom of speech we would be imprisoned by fear in a world which just reserved us to limit and break us down, one by one. This is why freedom of speech is so important.


If society put limits on what we are free to say then there wouldn´t be freedom of speech. 
Besides the problem arises of who would put those limits on society, and what key would those limits be based on. What would we limit, discrimination?

If we chose to limit discrimination, there would have to be a definition to discrimination, and who would define it, because discrimination has many meanings depending on where you come from and where you are.

Although discrimination like racism is wrong in my opinion, limiting freedom of speech is not the solution. Because it gives to much strength to the leader, it gives him the power to say that he will limit your right to protect you from an evil, and therefore, the nation will have characteristics of fascism. Giving the government an unlimited amount of control, allowing it to limit more areas of freedom of speech up to a point where freedom of speech won´t exist anymore.
Limits are the first step to abolishing a freedom and right.

"I dissapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Evelyn Beatrice Hall. DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS?

Yes, I do. Because the day that people stop defending other people`s rights with their lives, is the day that society falls into anarchy.
Everyone should defend the right of everyone else, because the moment that we let other´s be deprived of their rights, is the moment that we turn our backs to humanity and all that is moral. Just because you don´t agree with someone, doesn´t mean you should deprive from saying it. Freedom of speech was created, so that people could express themselves without restraint. Denying someone freedom of speech is like saying they aren´t allowed to talk at all. It is like taking away a part of who they are, and this is why freedom of speech has to be protected at all cost. Fighting for your rights and freedoms, is always an ongoing struggle unfortunately, but it is always better to have fought for your rights and failed, then to have just let things happen without, taking a course of action. The strength of society is defined by its actions, and its will to do.

Many countries censor websites to control what their citizens can and cannot see. IS THIS DANGEROUS?

I believe that this is very dangerous, because this causes the nation to have a shield of ignorance, where the people will never really improve themselves or know what is happening all around the world. They are trapped, in a way, in their government´s reality, and in a way their own. This prison that the state has manufactured, will be broken, the question is when.

Because the people, sooner or later, of these countries will find out that their government which they trusted is keeping secrets from them and that only the people have to be blamed for the governments crimes because, it was the people who put these leaders in power. It is the people who gave them the strength to manufacture the jail, which they inhabit.

This hatred and resentment will be shown when this jail of ignorance will be broken, the power will go to the citizens, all the decisions will go to the people who have felt anguish and feel resented, it will go to emotionally unstable people which will not know what is best for it´s nation since, they have been only taught the ways of incarceration and the shadowing of knowledge. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Can we trust what we read?

There are millions of newspapers where people read on the events of the world. There are hundreds of websites which are supposed to give a objective narration on the happenings of the world. BUT do they actually do this?

Very few news media actually give us the true objective, and neutral story, but a terrible and monstrous number of them do not. It is because of these newspapers which do not tell the full and neutral story which brainwash and in a way betray us. The vast majority of the people on the planet, think that because they read it in their daily famous newspaper, that everything that is being said is all true and that there is no reason to think that a bais statement is being formed. Many people think that what they are reading is the pure truth and that anything else is suspicious material.

The reason that the vast majority of the world´s population think this, is because the the people think that since the news media has the responsibility to inform us in an objective way, we have to believe them. Why would they not live up to their responsibility? Their famous, accurate and sound formal, and important. BUT what most of us forget is that they are also human, they can commit errors of judgement, they can lie, they can unconsciously send a subliminal opinion to us by the way that they write the news, they can give us a feelings of resentment to the people that are being tried for something. They can let people down just like the rest of us.

Although the journalists are all human, and can let us down, no one expects this to happen. WHY? This is because we suffer over confidence, we think that this piece of text can be precise, just because the newspaper is famous, just because they seem to write elegant and intelligently, because they seem to know what they are talking about, and above all, because they have a responsibility to tell us the truth in an objective manner, so why should they let us down? They are special after all, they are good enough to be hired in a newspaper that has been reporting the events of the world to me for my whole life, so why no trust them.

BUT we often forget the responsibility that we hold, which is to question and form our own opinion, to see and look at other sources, even though they aren´t that famous. We have the responsibility to think about what we are absorbing, and the power that we have when we speak. 

If we narrate a bias statement that we have read, to another person, then already two people hold a potencial weapon that could affect public opinion and that might even have consequences on a governmental level, and this virus just keeps spreading just by a simple sentence.

Some might criticize the power that the media has, and it disappointing us by giving us a subjective and bias text, but we don´t look at the responsibility that we hold, if we read a text that sounds bias or that you might doubt, then you shouldn´t leave it at that, look at other newspapers, research alittle. The power of what you say daily, may lay in what you read daily.

I will give you and example that happened with the newspaper Daily Mail on the case of the murder of Meredith Kercher.

This specific newspaper already had an article on the court denying the appeal for Amanda Knox. When they heard the news that she was guilty, they didn´t even stop to hear the whole thing, they published the story the fastest that they could, so they could be the first news media out with the article, but what use was it to be the first in having published the article if the information wasn´t accurate.

Amanda Knox and her ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito,  was given the appeal, but was guilty of SLANDER NOT MURDER. Therefore she was given the appeal and she was free along with her ex-boyfriend.

Anyone who read this article would have been wrongly informed. Spreading this news would have been a further problem because, this would have passed on the wrong news, diminishing the power of what people would say, and allowing them to form their own opinion on something that did not happen, blinding them with a wall of ignorance.

And this would be all caused because, the newspaper did not honor it´s responsibility, and because we didn´t honor our´s either. If one of the two would have followed what they were responsable for, none of this would have ever happened. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Reflection on presentations


In this Global Perspectives class, besides listening to the views and thoughts of people who presented, which were a valuable contribution to the class. We discussed the states of mind that one person might have when presenting.

As we were discussing this, we came to the conclusion that although everyone  knows what to do in a presentation, and what not to do, the nervous state of mind that a person might experience during this presentation, can cause this individual to forget, or not put forward the entirety of the argument they want to deliver to their audience.

Causing the audience to only receive half of what the presenter really wanted to communicate to them, therefore diminishing the understanding of this person´s knowledge, on the subject. This might not be true, but these kind of occurrences cause this kind of impression.

Finally we came to conclude that an individual which is not in a comfortable situation cannot expose a complete, or a fully planned out message towards its listeners because, not only does one have to present  a concise and thought out point of view without surrendering to the presure of being nervous, and forgeting a part of the point which is esencial, but a person has to manipulate and change the way that he or she will present the information, on the spot while presenting, to interact with the audience.

This in my opinion can only be resolved by presenting many times, to people, and this in turn would make a previously uncomfortable situation, into a comfortable one, where any individual could express themselves freely, without any stress, and without being nervous, therefore giving, all the information that the speaker wanted to put forward, at the same time as they interacted with the group.

Thursday, September 29, 2011



In this class we were able to discussing and reflecting on 9/11 and it´s different perspectives and ways to look at it. 
We were focusing more on the Muslim perspective and discrimination, and the opinions that people from the US would have. But as we were talking about this, we looked at a subject that was still relevant and that, was more international. It was "Why don´t other countries like Colombia, make memorials on the level that the US had for 9/11? and "Why don´t other countries see other terrorist attacks in the same manner?". 

And we came to the conclusion that, other countries don´t make memorials like the US does for 9/11 because, maybe in some of these countries, terrorist attacks are frequent, and sadly the people in these nations have been able to be accustomed with these attacks, and therefore they don´t see these attacks as out of the ordinary, as people see as terrorist attacks in other countries. 
Many people grief and have some sort of memorial for 9/11 because, it was an attack on the Unites States of America, on a scale which was never done before, and this was the most stunning aspect. Because not only was the scale of the attack, large enough to create an enormous effect and influence, but it occured in a nation which was a world power and that was seen as the safest place on the planet. No one could even imagine such an atrocity on such a powerful nation even with all the problems it had been having.

Back to the topic we were discussing, first we talked about the opinions that people in the US might have. We thought that people in the US, started to think that they were unsafe in their houses or at the mall or at school. We hypothesized that people in the US would come to the conclusion that if terrorists could bomb the Twin Towers and especially the Pentagon, which were supposed to be really secure places. Why couldn´t they just blow an entire neighbourhood. The Pentagon was extremely important in this argument, because not only was the Pentagon a major iconic site, but it was were all the military and to a major extent  governmental processes would take place. It was the headquarters of the United States. And it was seen as the most secure building or group  of buildings in the world.
One factor of the perspective of the people in the US, that kept coming up was that, Americans   in general, thought that all the Muslim people were responsible for the attack, and started to discriminate against them. 

It was this discrimination of the Musilms that we also discussed, we talked about how the Muslim community, that was as innocent as the people in the Twin Towers were being discriminated against and how this was a serious problem that was extremely rascist. We even heard of a case, of when a Muslim man entered the metro after 9/11, and only because he was Muslim, 3 other people saw him and left. This we thought was a serious offense because not only is this rewinding society into times were everyone was rascist but it also, started incriminating innocent people, just because of their religion. 
We also saw the perspectives of the islamic people, which were either regretful of the terrorist act, and hoped that someday Palestine and the US would be at peace with no conflict, and others who supported the terrorist attack, and who had ideas similar to this quote from an anonymous person, "There will be no peace in the US until there is peace in Palestine."

Another subject that we studied was about why people made conspiracies, and the only conclusion we were able to come up with was; people create conspiracies because they cannot take in what they are hearing and that they just can´t believe the events that happened, and they have to search for reasons on why this event became possible. Usually these people are relatives or close friends of the members who died in these types of attacks and who can´t cope with the event, or people who are against the government, and who think the current government is inefficient.

One thing that I didn´t think of before we had this class, were the problems of the Muslim community in Palestine, and those who suffered from the discrimination. Before this class I only thought of the American perspective and how it affected the way that we travel now. This class really opened my mind on all the different perspectives in every matter, and I learned to question all that I read and hear.

The discussion made me feel how damaging rascism is and how such an attack may impact a person, and his/her life. It made me see that assumptions like the US being the safest place in the world are overrated. This lesson made me think about the problems that Palestine is having with the US, and it made me think about the innocent Muslim lives that are being affected by problems like this on a daily basis. This class reminded me on a quote from a palestinian student; "Your 9/11 is our 24/7". This lesson also made me think about the knowledge and planification of the terrorists, because they bombed US iconic sites, on 9/11 and the emergency number in the US is 911. This just shows how elaborate the plan that the terrorists had, was. This also shows us that terrorists don´t have to be illiterate people justing blowing up buildings and killing people, just for doing it, it shows that some terrorists have and education, but use it negatively.


Three opinions were raised:

That the discrimination to the Muslims was as bad, as the attack on the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, because it is an attack on innocent people. It is not fair at all to judge the people because they have no one has the right to incriminate someone, just because of their religion of appearance. What is the difference between the innocent people who died in the Twin Towers and the innocent people who are being discriminated against for being Muslim, besides the fact that one of the two is dead.

Another opinion was that, other countries should have a memorial like the US has for 9/11 because, any life that was taken by any terrorist attack, should be remembered, and that no country should ever begin to get used to terrorist attacks, because as soon as this happens, the fight against terror becomes, a minority.

Finally the last opinion was that, there was no other terrorist attack until now that was on the same scale as 9/11. This is because no other terrorist attack had such after shocks. No other terrorist attacks, forced the air transport laws to change, no other terrorist attacks brought with it such discrimination, and no other terrorist attack, opened the eyes of the whole world showing them that people will do such extreme things to put forward their point, and cause such an immensely potencial influence of the power that terrorists have.

In my opinion, I share all these opinions and, the reasons behind them, because it is not right for people to be accustomed to violence, and fear, it is not acceptable that a nation may not celebrate and remember the life of the innocent individuals who died in a terrorist attack. It is every human´s right to believe in whatever they want to believe in and to not be discriminated for it. Undoubtly there has been no terrorist attack that could equal of even come close to the scale of 9/11, just because of the aftermath, after shock and influence that 9/11 had on the world.

I was not surprised by any of my classmates reactions, or answers, because they were able to explain everything they thought, thoroughly and they were able to say it with an elevated level of knowledge on the subject, giving room for a class discussion and presenting the whole class with valuable perspectives.

The Class 

I enjoyed this class very much because, we talked about significant events in the world, and what were the different thoughts and perspectives around the world. These sorts of topics and events, in my opinion are the most interesting, and are worth looking at, in more depth. This is why I was glad when I heard we were going to talk about 9/11.

I believe that next time we do something like this in class and we have to do a presentation about it, we could do something more creative than a powerpoint. So we could show our thoughts on the subject in a variety of manners.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The importance of education- Perspective


In this class we learnt, and discussed how important an education is, and how people can use one to go to university, and then get a job. So basically the one reason to get an education is to later on, in life gain economic stability, and be able to do everything that you would like to do, and therefore have a good life style. Also it pushes you to think for yourself, and everyday allows you to brake another barrier of ignorance, learning new things and expanding your horizons. We discussed a lot on our opinions over education, and what the opinions of people worldwide, could be. 

In this class we looked at a extract from a poem over a boy that had no education and we analyzed it. We analyzed the extract of the poem, taking into consideration what we discussed, previously. 

The following is the extract of the poem we discussed...

Extracts from ‘Barefoot Boy’ by J.L. Mason from ‘Bahamian Anthology’. College of the Bahamas, Macmillan Caribbean, 1983.

Little barefoot boy, why no school today?
Is it a holiday that you wander in this way? 
Do you dream of bright toys, other little boys 
As you wander on your lonesome way,
You with your seven tender years
Little barefoot boy?

Ah! do you see a door unlatched
And think it only a prank, child’s play
When you enter and a handbag take away.     
No one saw or did not care to ask you why;
So you cracked conch and bread did buy.   
Your first try?

Did we not see your pleading eyes?
Did we pass you by somehow?
No matter–you sit silent in the courtroom now 
In your rags and tatters, head bowed,
Little, skinny, unloved, frightened
Barefoot boy.

These are the questions that we tried to answer (along with the answers that me and my group came up with):

Why do you think little barefoot boy is not at school?

I think little barefoot boy is not at school, because his parents, aren´t educated either and they didn´t care about him. Or that he wasn´t raised to even know what was an education, or that an education isn´t important and that your better off stealing and that anything else is just not worth it, and that it is a waste of time.

Do you think he would like to go to school?

I believe that on some level little barefoot boy wants to go to school, because deep inside of him, he believes that an education is the only way he can progress from robbing, and that one day, with the help of an education, he will be able to get a job and reach his dream, of living in a clean and happy house, with no need to steal or beg.

But it is hard to tell if little barefoot boy wants to go to school, because maybe in his circumstances, he doesn´t even know what a school is, maybe his parents raised him to ignore everything of the outside world and that the only thing he should try to improve on or think of, is begging and stealing. So the ignorance of his parents, might have changed his perspective of the world and education forever.  

What is this poem trying to say about education?

In my opinion this poem is trying to say and show how important an education is and how important it is to use the education given to you to brake the walls of ignorance that surround us, and become the best that we can become, instead of embracing the ignorance that we have, and becoming the worst that we can become.

This poem is trying to show that the path of ignorance, leads to one final destination, and that is to become blind in all the posible ways.

The poem is trying to say that an education is the path to success and happiness.

Is this poem talking about a personal, national or global problem?

I believe that the poem is talking about a global problem which is increasing. 
I think the poem is talking about a global problem because, people all over the world are illiterate, it doesn´t matter if you are in a first world nation or a third world nation, there are still people who are illiterate, because of economic issues in some cases, and in other cases because of the way they were raised and the way that they think, thinking that they don´t need an education, that they are better than an education, that an education is a waste of time. And it is because of this that people are illiterate, it is because of the way people think, that helping everyone to get an education is a problem.

The literacy rates on the world in a whole are rising, but in my opinion it is still low. And it is because we are talking about education, that this worries me because, if the problem of little barefoot boy is a global one, then that means there must be millions more like him, that are being tried for stealing or killing, but as a cover for being tried because they don´t have an  education.

Whose responsibility is it to make sure children go to school?

In my opinion it is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that children go to school, because it is the parents that raise the children, it is them that form their personality. It is the parents that show the children what is right and what is wrong. If the parents don´t show the children that an education is the way to make a good life, then who are the children going to learn from? What are they going to think of school? Who are the children going to follow an institute, that they learned was a waste of time, or their parents who raised them? Even if the government introduces a educational program for children who don´t have the chance to go to school, it will always be up to the children, to make the decision if they want to go to school or not, and that decision will be influenced by their parents, so all the responsibility lays in the hands of the parents.

What can be done if parents don’t send their children to school?

I think that if the parents don´t send their children to school, it is up to the government to invent a educational program that can be like a school but that the children would have to come voluntarily, and obviously this program would be free. Because if the parents don´t enroll their children in a school, the responsibility falls into the hands of the children and the government to do something about it. And a program like this would be a perfect way for the children to learn on their own, and for the government to have something concrete to show that there are many ways to increase literacy rates in a country, which would in turn, produce more development in the country, because there would be more people that would be working, and giving ideas, on how the country could develop.

Another thing that could be done, is that there would be punishments, that the law can enforce, for people who don´t send their children to school, and this way more parents would send their children to school, either by will or fear of the consequences.

What reasons are there for parents not sending their children to school?

I believe that parents don´t send their children to school, because they, themselves have not gone to school and received an education, and they might think that since they haven´t gone to school, why should their children. Or maybe their parents had gone to school, and they did get an education, but they got into drugs later on or they might of not took advantage of the education given to them, and were to blind to see it was their fault that  they couldn´t succeed, in anything, and thought that it was a whole waste of time, so they didn´t send their children to have an education. Or, maybe the parents think that they don´t have the resources to follow their child´s education, and that it wouldn´t be fair, if their child could just start his education,but not finish it, or not do it successfully, because of the lack of resources that they had. 

Do you think that little barefoot boy would avoid crime if he went to school?

Yes, in my opinion, an education would have taught little barefoot boy that, there would be better ways to gain money than to steal or murder, and that with an education he would be able to do so many other things and get paid for them, like being an engineer, or a journalist, or a teacher, etc. Also if he would have received an education he could of gotten a job later on and have been economically stable, and could have amounted to much more, than being put in jail. Also, this way he could have raised his lifestyle, and lived in an  reality, where there would be no need for him to commit a crime to gain money.


In our discussion in class, various opinions over the importance of education were raised. Finally we finished by seeing that the importance of education to an individual, all depends on the circumstances of the individual in question.

One opinion was that a person that is from a family who is quite wealthy, will see education as something that is worthless, and unnecessary, because they might think that their parents will always give them money, and to have a job is a waste of time since they will already have money, and keep getting money from their parents even, after their parents are dead, because they will inherit all their parents riches. There is only one problem with this type of thinking. When this person´s parents die, he or she will spend his or her money recklessly, and when it is all spent, he or she will have nothing, and no way to get a job or economic stability, because he or she didn´t take advantage of the  education given to them, because they thought they didn´t need one. And then they will have a problem that will be beyond their understanding.

Another opinion was that poor people will value an education immensely, because they know, what can be achieved with an education, they see an education as the only way to get out of poverty, and this is very important for them. They know what it is like, to go through life being ignorant, and they know how much better their life could be if they could be educated, if they could slowly gain knowledge, they could use it to try to gain economic stability, and this way raise their lifestyle. Poor people think that an education is important, because they know the power that it holds.

One opinion that really surprised me was, one that said that people who see that they are not progressing well in an education, and know that an education is important, don´t put all their best to achieve a good education, they will be satisfied with an OK education, that will take them to an OK job, like working for Mcdonalds. And for them this would be a good place to end up in. 

Although this opinion surprised me, I understand that people would feel good, working at a Mcdonalds, because it would always be better than not working, and at least it is a way to gain economic stability.

In my opinion, I think and education is supremely important, because it is something, that will always help me, and that will one day, allow me to go to an important university where,  another part of of my education will take place, giving me the chance to apply for a good job, with a good income, and an option for a promotion in the job field, and with this I could gain economic stability, along with economic freedom from my parents, and knowledge that would take me out of various fields fo ignorance.


The discussion made me feel that, in some moments, specially at the end of the day, I do not take advantage of the classes given to me, and that I never actually thought of myself as lucky. I think that up till a couple of years ago, I thought of education of being a routine and sort of a burden. But now I see that the advantage of having an education, isn´t a burden, but a gift. A gift that will never fade, as long as I have a memory. 

The discussion made me see that, thanks to the things that I am learning about today, I will be able to have a bright future ahead of me.

I was very surprised by one reaction in particular, one that stated that people who have the opportunity to have an education, don´t try and do their best, to become the best that they can with an education, but that their objective is just to pass, and get any job that can get them economic stability, even if it is a job at Burger King.  

This opinion surprised me, because I suposed that everyone that was given the opportunity to have an education, would try their best in being the best that they could be with an education. Even if they don´t get good results, I always supposed that people tried their best anyway.

Things I didn´t know

I didn´t know that some children in some countries, especially very poor countries, try to sneak into any school or class, just to absorb the most amount of education that they can,  because they know that with that little grain of education, they will be able to improve their lifestyle even if it is very slightly. They know how valuable and powerful an education is. For these poor children that don´t receive any kind of education, sneaking into a class, is a form for them to learn something and use it to improve their life.

When I heard this, I thought that this was very shocking ,at first but then I started to think about these kind of situations, and I realized that this is not shocking but, in some way it is a natural response, of a person to try and improve his or herself.

The Class

I enjoyed the class a lot, because it had diversity to it, we talked about the problem for a while, then we discussed the various opinions that could arise from this problem, and then we read a poem about education, and then analysed and discussed it. 

The class was great, because it wasn´t like any other class, where you usually just take notes and write an essay. It was different, and it was because it was different that I enjoyed it so much. Also I enjoyed it a lot, because of its discussions, a discussion in my opinion is the best way to learn, its exciting and it automatically makes you want to participate and present your opinion, and you learn a great deal about the topic you are talking about, without even noticing.

A couple of days ago, I presented a presentation to my class about education, after I had finished, I received feedback, of my presentation both good and helpful. I felt proud when I received the good feedback, but I felt even better when I received the helpful feedback, because this feedback, will help me in my next presentation, helping me to improve and this way present an even better presentation next time.