The right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint
definition found in the link below:
By understanding what is freedom of speech we can then interpret it. If we would have tried to come to conclusions and opinions about freedom of speech, with a loosely based definition, that doesn´t have absolute clarity, then our thoughts and conclusions, would have been misleading and wouldn´t have been accurate at all. Leaving this blog to be useless, and it would have lost it´s support and its level of writing and thought.
Now with this definition we can try to reach conclusions which can both be acceptable and have a precise train of thought that can be shown.
In my opinion, freedom of speech is extremely important, because it gives us the chance to express ourselves and put our point of views forward.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn´t be able to learn more, we wouldn´t be able to speak freely, and we wouldn´t be able to defend ourselves against others.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn´t be able to represent ourselves in a court of law, we wouldn´t be given a chance to proven innocent, we would be in a society where you wouldn´t be innocent until proven guilty, everyone would just be guilty with no place for the accused to defend themselves, and be able to serve justice. There would be no such word, as justice, without justice what would we be left with?
Would our world live in anarchy and dictatorship? Would we live in a world like 1984 by George Orwell. Being controlled, and monitored every second of our lives? Would thoughtcrime become a reality, and would our history be manipulated to serve the party´s ideals?
We would be covered by a wall of ignorance for the rest of our lives without freedom of speech. Paranoia would be a common psychological illness amongst the world´s population, stress and constant psychological breakdowns would be recurrent, because people would have to be forced to bottle up their thoughts and feelings with fear.
We would live in a realty where we would be brainwashed, and driven to live our daily lives in fear. The thought of suicide would be a popular thought, but the physical act of taking one´s own life, would be too much for us to handle, every time a person would try to kill himself the fear of doing so would take over you , and you wouldn´t do it.
Without freedom of speech we would be imprisoned by fear in a world which just reserved us to limit and break us down, one by one. This is why freedom of speech is so important.
If society put limits on what we are free to say then there wouldn´t be freedom of speech.
Besides the problem arises of who would put those limits on society, and what key would those limits be based on. What would we limit, discrimination?
If we chose to limit discrimination, there would have to be a definition to discrimination, and who would define it, because discrimination has many meanings depending on where you come from and where you are.
Although discrimination like racism is wrong in my opinion, limiting freedom of speech is not the solution. Because it gives to much strength to the leader, it gives him the power to say that he will limit your right to protect you from an evil, and therefore, the nation will have characteristics of fascism. Giving the government an unlimited amount of control, allowing it to limit more areas of freedom of speech up to a point where freedom of speech won´t exist anymore.
Limits are the first step to abolishing a freedom and right.
"I dissapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Evelyn Beatrice Hall. DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS?
Yes, I do. Because the day that people stop defending other people`s rights with their lives, is the day that society falls into anarchy.
Everyone should defend the right of everyone else, because the moment that we let other´s be deprived of their rights, is the moment that we turn our backs to humanity and all that is moral. Just because you don´t agree with someone, doesn´t mean you should deprive from saying it. Freedom of speech was created, so that people could express themselves without restraint. Denying someone freedom of speech is like saying they aren´t allowed to talk at all. It is like taking away a part of who they are, and this is why freedom of speech has to be protected at all cost. Fighting for your rights and freedoms, is always an ongoing struggle unfortunately, but it is always better to have fought for your rights and failed, then to have just let things happen without, taking a course of action. The strength of society is defined by its actions, and its will to do.
Many countries censor websites to control what their citizens can and cannot see. IS THIS DANGEROUS?
I believe that this is very dangerous, because this causes the nation to have a shield of ignorance, where the people will never really improve themselves or know what is happening all around the world. They are trapped, in a way, in their government´s reality, and in a way their own. This prison that the state has manufactured, will be broken, the question is when.
Because the people, sooner or later, of these countries will find out that their government which they trusted is keeping secrets from them and that only the people have to be blamed for the governments crimes because, it was the people who put these leaders in power. It is the people who gave them the strength to manufacture the jail, which they inhabit.
This hatred and resentment will be shown when this jail of ignorance will be broken, the power will go to the citizens, all the decisions will go to the people who have felt anguish and feel resented, it will go to emotionally unstable people which will not know what is best for it´s nation since, they have been only taught the ways of incarceration and the shadowing of knowledge.