This film shows the reality of what most people must live in Afghanistan. It is the struggle of a young boy to overcome timid and shyness, and stand up for the things that are dear to him. This film portrays the respect and the strength of the bond between employer and employee was. It shows how powerful friendship can be and the lessons it teaches. At the beginning of the film, when Hassan says that he would eat dirt for Amir, and Amir asks if he would really do this, if he told him to, as Hassan answers yes, he asks Amir “But would you ask me to do such a thing?”, finally Amir responds “No”, this moment is a perfect example of the strength of the bond that the employer and employee share. Such respect for one another cannot be found easily at this time.
This film revives the now ancient respect that once stood as a common value amongst all people. This movie shows the fading of this trait to shyness and embarrassment. This factor of human life is now seen as a weakness. In most parts of the world people have become self-centered. Now the general thought is to save one’s self at all cost, no matter the sacrifice, even if it is at the cost of others’ lives.
‘The Kite Runner’ is a voyage through a time where standing up for someone was seen as brave and honorific. Now standing up for someone is seen as someone embarrassing themself, or as something not worth doing. This is why humanity is entering an age of decomposition. Our world is turning into a reality where no one fights for their rights, or tries to sacrifice even the most minimum of things to give something else to another person.
This is why ‘The Kite Runner’ is such an excellent film it depicts the struggle of one man, in changing his character and becoming strong. All his life Amir was a gentle and in a way weak, person. He did not defend anyone even if it was his best friend, or himself.
It was always Hassan who stood up to the bullies and showed no fear, even when he had it on the inside. He remained strong until the end, he paid dearly for his strength and the values that he had. Nevertheless he never backed down. He was a noble and brave person.
Amir saw this and in a way felt ashamed of his weakness. He felt he was not worthy, to be the son of a rich man. He saw that even if Hassan was poor he was not weak. Hassan was a model of a person, and Amir didn’t know how to react to such respect and bravery that he saw in Hassan.
The only reason that Amir went back to Afghanistan was because he felt he owed it to Hassan to come back. When Amir heard what happened to Hassan´s family he felt he owed it to Hassan to get his son back and raise him. He felt that backing away like he had done all his life was no longer an option. He had to be strong, he had to be brave, and he was. He thought of retrieving Sohrab at all cost, just as Hassan retrieved the blue kite for Amir at all cost. He made a decision in his mind to never back down at this precise moment, not even in the littlest of details, for Hassan, his best friend, and brother he had to be strong. This moment in his life was the time he had finally chosen to change; he had finally chosen to be what his father and Hassan were. He decided to be strong. He knew the consequences of what this meant and accepted them. He became what he saw in his childhood he became a model of a person. He became his father, when he defended the women on the truck from being rapped, he became Hassan when he retrieved the blue kite, even when he had to get rapped.
He became them through the actions he did, and the things he said.
This film is excellent because of how it shows that any person can become strong even after a life of being weak. Any person can change, for the better or for the worst. Like Amir became strong and stood up for what he believed in, and like Assef who became an even bigger threat to humanity.
This film captures the essence of the human soul, and portrays how it can be changed, made stronger, made blacker, or made greater. In this time and day not many have the attitude to do what Hassan, Amir, or Amir´s father did. Not many people would get rapped just to get a kite, because they promised to do so. Not many would defend a woman who is going to get rapped, unarmed and with the consequence of loosing his or her liberty. Finally not many would go back to a country filled with terror just to retrieve a young boy.
I believe that this film shows what any person should aspire to be. This film is a memory of what most people were. It reminds us how important it is to stand up for what one believes in and for one´s self. This film shows that even with the smallest of good deeds comes, the power to do greater ones. This film is a model for the whole of humanity, to follow.