Thursday, August 25, 2011

Internet Safety- Perspective


In this Global Perspective class we were discussing and putting opinions forward on "Internet Safety".  

We learned three simple but important things, "Zip it", "Block it", "Flag it". 

To "Zip it": Keep your personal stuff private and think about what you say and do online.
To "Block it": Block people who send nasty messages and don´t open unknown links and attachments.
To "Flag it": Flag up with someone you trust if anything upsets you or if someone asks to meet you offline.

Although these were the three things were the most important in my opinion, and the most simple, there were other things that also were important such as the following.

  • Never offer any personal information
E.j your last name, names of friends or relatives, instant messaging names, home address, email address, etc.

  • Never post provocative images
E.j of yourself, of others, get permission to put your photos, and look at the background as well, and make sure the images you post don´t contain any personal information.

  • Assume what you publish on the web is permanent
  • Use blogging provider sites with clearly stated terms of use
Make sure the site that you will be using can protect your blog, with more than a password.



"I never give out information, first I always plan out all my fake information, and then double check it, you can never be too safe."

"Don´t worry nothing is going to happen, why are you so paranoid?! Just put your real name, and information, nothing will happen, I do it all the time"

"I put fake information on the internet, but I don´t worry about it all the time, I also put real information"

These were the opinions of many of the people in my class, and this is the common case with a large range of people.

Some think...

That all this internet safety concern, is just people being paranoid, that their concerns are a whole waste of time, and I have heard that some people think that the whole internet safety issue is just a rumor blown out of control, and that the internet is totally safe.

Some think...

That the internet is a network that spins out of control, and its just caos, with facts that people need. These people think that to be absolutely safe in the internet, is to have to think in fake information, to go over it many times, to make sure that their whole presence in the internet is just a lie or mystery that no one will ever unravel. 

And others think...

That the internet is safe, in some matters, and there is no reason to go crazy just thinking of a fake I.D just to have an email account. But also that the internet does have its quirks, as does everything, and that its always good to come up with some fake information, in some silly things like an online videogame, or even in some blogs, just incase of anything.

Personally, my opinion is that there is no need to be overcautious when it comes to the internet, there is no need to drive yourself to insecurity or insanity, over what information to put in the internet.

But I also think that you shouldn´t just give every detail of yourself to the internet, thinking that nothing will happen, because that is just to be reckless, and not think at all in safety and thoughts like that lead, to dangerous paths.

So I don´t go navigating through the internet recklessly, I put some fake information, just incase, but I don´t go crazy in doing so, I go through the internet, being moderate, both on how I put fake and real information.


In our discusion in class, the various points and opinions made me think, that maybe I wasn´t actually be very careful in some aspects, or that I was being too careful in others, but by the end of the discussion I believed that I was in the middle of both worlds, because not only did I think to myself, well I do a little of both, I think that when I enter the internet, I don´t start worrying if I´ll be in danger, or go crazy telling every person in the internet about myself, so I think that although both sides of the argument had excellent reasons and opinions I believe that in everything one must be moderate, and this way you can live safely and calmly.

I feel that the discussion reassured me that I do the right thing, when I go through the internet.

I was not surprised by any of my friends reactions, because all of them are different from me, as well as each other, so a wide range of expressions and responses, just seemed right from a group that is like the one I have, because all of us have experienced different cultures and all of us have had different expriences so why shouldn´t are opinions be different.

What I didn´t know before?

This class really taught me some things that I didn´t know before, for example I had no idea that some blogging sites had various ways to protect your information. Before I always just assumed that a password would be sufficient, and just to ignore rude commentaries, and just try to improve your blog in any way possible.

And that if you deleted a blog or post that it would be gone forever, and that would be that end of it. But now I see that not only can people have printed it, but they might have also just remembered some parts, so the things you put in the internet, really never go away.

Personal opinion of the class

I enjoyed the class very much, I think we had a good lively discussion, and it was good to have everyone joined in, and give a perspective on the topic. The class showed me a different way of putting my opinion forward on a subject, to everyone.

I think there could be just one improvement on the class, and that is to discuss about current situations of the world in our debates. For example the resolution of the Libia conflict, I believe it could interesting ideas forward.

The class was really great and I look forward for the next one.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your blog Rahul...I am interested that you wrote as if you were actually is fine that you were absent - HONEST!

    I am really looking forward to tomorrow's lesson. I think it is going to be a very good year!

    Mr T.
